Holistic Massage Therapist for Women with Autoimmune Disease in Durham, NC

Holistic Massage and Bodywork for Women with Autoimmune Disease

Hi, I’m Daniela! I help you reverse autoimmune disease naturally with massage therapy and exercise.

Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist | Restorative Movement Practitioner | Strength Coach

Located in Durham, NC

Remade Wellness is a second chance at life after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.

Personal Trainer and Movement Coach for Autoimmune in Durham, NC

As a someone that has navigated autoimmune symptoms for over 16+ years, I get it.

It can be extremely difficult to find someone who understands your unique experience.

Be assured that you’re in the right place — I teach you movement and bodywork to release emotions and restore your immune system so you can heal autoimmune disease.

From massage therapy, restorative movement, and finally understanding your body’s language (your unique symptoms), I’ve got you covered.

And the best part? You don’t have to do it alone. I’ll guide you in befriending your body so you can become your own healer.

Official Bio

I help you live flare up free.

As your autoimmune movement coach, I help you implement simple movement practices that work WITH - not against - your autoimmune disease to significantly reduce autoimmune flare-ups.

Autoimmune Coach and in Durham, NC

I started loving myself unconditionally

I realized that my own experience with autoimmune disease combined with a passion for movement had a purpose after all. I had been given a set of specific abilities, passions, and talents to help people fulfill their God given mission.

Holistic Massage Therapist for Women with Autoimmune Diseasein Durham, NC

p.s. I believe you.

Whatever your body expresses - the whispers, the screams, and everything in between. I believe you. <3